This is the overview ot he new Nathan E-Mail Services.
Important Upgrade information
It is not possible to move the password over from the old Nathen Mail System to the new one. You will receive a new username and a new password to your E-Mail Account accessible with the old credencials. Please check your E-Mail at leaste once per day so that you will receive the mail in question. Once the old credencials do not work anymore, switch to the new ones and you'll be fine. Note: This is not relevant if you use a local UNIX mail-account (the one without the domain name in the login name), which will stay vaild.
Note for those who managed domains using either the qmailadmin Web-interface or the vpopmail command line tools: These utilities will no longer be available. If you need Forwards, Aliases or new Mail Accounts you will have to contact me for now. I will keep you up to date, if new management tools come available.
Overview over the available Services
Using your login and password you will gain access to the following services:
- POP3
All services can be secured by using SSL (both regular SSLv3 and STARTTLS are supported).
The SMTP server requires SMTP-authentication, SMTP-after-POP or SMTP-after-IMAP is no longer supported. Use the account information accoicated with your mail-account for this. All major authentication schemes are supported.
All services will be available using the DNS name "mail.nehmer.net", all other ones are deprecated and should be dropped. Their DNS records will vanish in the future.