This is a small function for an UI Toolkit. It builds an select list of an associative array.
// ================================================================
// string fm_build_select(string $name, array $options,
// [mixed $selected])
// Build an HTML <select> statement with options from the assoc.
// array $options (value => caption) and the option defined by
// $selected (must be a key or an array of keys in the $options
// array) marked as selected. Returns the resulting HTML code or
// FALSE on error.
function fm_build_select($name, $options, $selected = '') {
if ($selected == '') $selected = key($options);
if (! is_array($selected)) {
$selected = array($selected);
$select = "<select name=\"$name\">\n";
} else {
$select = "<select name=\"$name" . "[]\" multiple>\n";
foreach ($options as $value => $caption) {
$select .= " <option value=\"$value\"" .
(in_array($value, $selected) ? " selected" : "") .
$select .= "</select>\n";
return $select;