MidCOM Filesystem Transition going well
2004-11-12 13:03

The MidCOM Filesystem transition is going quite well. Already this site is running on the development version of FS-Midcom, as the project is dubbed internally. So far a general speed enhancement of roughly 25% seems to be a direct result from the reworked application structure. Today, the next development release 1.9.1 has been made available.

1.9.1 has focussed on two major goals, Documentation and Component conversion. The actual changes in the core were minor, as many things stayed API compatible.

Important Links

Core Changes

The datamanager with all its datatypes is available again, only the HTMLArea widget broke the compatibility rule as the configuration snippet syntax has changed a bit. The advantage of this change is the fact, that HTMLArea now resides as a standard distrbution in the filesystem which can now upgraded quite easily.

Component upgrades

All components have been upgraded to FS-Midcom with the exceptions of de.linkm.htmlfilter and de.linkm.newsticker. All converted components run fine within a small testbed. You should refer to the Changelogs of the various components, now located in their documentation folder for details in any case.


MidCOM is now documented using PHPDoc, and the transition of the old-style snippet documentation is in progress. A snapshot of the documentation is included with the Download, a good part of the core is already documented.