This is a small helper function, that allows you to transform a fetchable to an ID-Array. Just for your convenience.
Calling Syntax
array mgd_fetch_to_array (object $fetchable);
Parameter Syntax
$fetchable must be an Midgard-Object, that can be traversed by calling $fetchable->fetch(). The Objects must have a member "$fetchable->id" which identifies the primary key. These keys are put together into an Array leaving the sorting order intact.
Two special cases of this function exist: mgd_memberships_to_uid and mgd_memberships_to_gid. You can use them to transform Membership-Records into User- ord Group-ID Lists. (Who needs Membership Records...) Using those two functions always in conjunction with mgd_list_members and similar, you can avoid a lot of errors...
Since it does some error checking, you can combine these calls to something like:
$articles = mgd_fetch_to_array(mgd_list_articles(...));
function mgd_fetch_to_array ($fetchable) {
$result = array();
if (!$fetchable)
return false;
while ($fetchable->fetch())
$result[] = $fetchable->id;
return $result;
function mgd_memberships_to_uid ($fetchable) {
$result = array();
if (!$fetchable)
return false;
while ($fetchable->fetch())
$result[] = $fetchable->uid;
return $result;
function mgd_memberships_to_gid ($fetchable) {
$result = array();
if (!$fetchable)
return false;
while ($fetchable->fetch())
$result[] = $fetchable->gid;
return $result;