
This small helper function is used to dynamically get object construction statements. It primarily encaspuletes the mgd_get_xxx - Things away.

Calling Syntax

string mgd_get_createstr (string $object_type)

Parameter Syntax

$object_type is the Class Name of the Class you require a create statement for. It looks for the "Midgard" in the class name and transforms it either into an "mgd_get_..." or an "new ..." String. This retured string can be used in eval's to dynamically construct objects.



function mgd_get_createstr ($object_type) {
  if (
substr($object_type,0,7) == "Midgard")
    return (
"mgd_get_" . strtolower(substr($object_type,7)));
    return (
"new $object_type");
